Hits: 3084

28th January 2016

Grosvenor Hotel, Edinburgh

Working with SQA and looking at the practical issues of selecting, implementing and using e-Assessment and related technologies and techniques. This year the conference will focus on the role and use of learning technologies and related developments in Developing the Young Workforce

The role of schools, colleges and training providers will be pivotal in implementing the Developing the Young Workforce strategy.  

Scotland has been at the forefront of developing and implementing learning that is assessed using the latest IT and ICT techniques and technologies. The conference speakers will, through a range of presentations and case studies, look at opportunities for digitising the assessment process new approaches to assessment and how technology can be used to help design more effective and reliable assessment.

It is confirmed that this years programme will include the following sessions:

The Strategic Importance of “Developing the Young Workforce”

Technology as a key element of the assessment process – its value beyond the qualification

Good Practice and Experience - Case Studies and Projects from Scottish Education

Traffic Signals - The future Landscape and Impact of Technology in Scotland

Further details about the programme here.

Registration Fee for the Conference is £190 per delegate + VAT

Venue: Grovesnor Hilton, Edinburgh EH12 5EF
Date: 28th January 2016